Invoices And POs

All contracted work for Cuboree is approved under a Purchase Order. Contractors can not expect to get paid unless their is an actioned contract agreement or approved purchase order lodged in our systems.

You should work with your Cuboree contact to ensure that your contracted work is approved by our Finance Team. You can email ua.moc.stuocs.wsn.eerobuc|stnuocca#ua.moc.stuocs.wsn.eerobuc|stnuocca for more information or to check the status of your contract/PO at any time.

Failure to ensure a Purchase Order is in place will result in a delay or non-payment for services.

Invoices can be emailed directly to ua.moc.stuocs.wsn.eerobuc|stnuocca#ua.moc.stuocs.wsn.eerobuc|stnuocca for payment. They will be circulated to the correct authorising director for approval before being paid. Payment terms are generally 30 days unless by specific arrangement. This provides us time to seek approvals and submit to our Head Office for payment, recognising we are a volunteer based organisation.

Note: Only Directors are permitted to approve Purchase Orders and Invoices. Contracts can only be executed by the Chief Executive Officer of Scouts NSW. Contractors and team members BE AWARE: Unless your PO or Contract is executed by an appropriate person, it IS NOT VALID. Our team members do not have the authority to spend or execute contracts on behalf of Cuboree 2020.

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